Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Modern Day the true causes of chronic disease in America

Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong

The first step we take to prevent and treat chronic diseases to understand their causes, and now, because these diseases are now so widespread in America today. United States, 70 percent of Americans who die each year die from chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke. For many years, tobacco consumption seen as a modifiable risk factor for the most dangerous for chronic diseases and longevity. But modern industry and technologyled to dramatic changes in our food, the food, our environment and our way of life. These changes have introduced other risk factors we face and that all these other risk factors, which now represent a greater threat to the health of Americans and smokers.

Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong

Diet and lifestyle
A report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (March 2004) states that "poor diet and physical inactivity may have been released, soon overtake tobaccothe leading cause of death. "In America today, the modern technological developments at home and at work, two things that create jobs and lifestyles, the least physically active and even sedentary, and a strong dependence on the convenience of fast food and processed have been created. The report goes further and says that only 1.5 percent more than in the United States die each year from smoking (18.1percent) than those who die from malnutrition and lack of physical activity (16.6 percent).

Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong

A poor diet and lack ofExercise contributes to a chronic disease in two ways. First, by promoting cell dysfunction in the body, removing the cells supplied with enough nutrients and enough oxygen to function properly, and secondly, contributing to weight gain and obesity.

Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong

Weight gain and obesity
It is no secret that the United States the largest country in the world, and this is fast food and processed today and lifestyles active mainly on the practical availability. We all knowthat these types of foods are high in fat and sugar, and eating these foods together with the lack of exercise allows us to gain weight from fat.

But because the fat is dangerous and how they contribute to chronic disease? Body fat is dangerous for two reasons. The first reason is that fat cells are actually active, especially abdominal fat cells produce hormones and toxic substances and other toxic substances during the process of lipolysis, fat distribution, which areare stored in fat cells. Our bodies are designed to handle normal levels of these substances, but others are more fat, more fat cells, the release of these toxic substances, so that the body is overwhelmed and can not be disposed of safely.

The second reason is that some external environmental factors, toxic chemicals accumulate in human fat. An example is polybrominated diphenyl ethers or PBDEs. Better known as flame retardants, PBDEs are usedperformance in a wide variety of common household products out of the carpet of both electronic and studies to cause damage to the liver and kidneys. The more body fat you have, the more the chance to earn more toxic substances such as PBDEs, because the body can handle. In any case, the excess body fat leads to a toxic overload in cells and as a source of nutrients and oxygen, causes cells to malfunction thus weakening the immune system.

COMMENTU.S. food industry has made the U.S. SICK
Let's see how a poor diet and inactivity may be the cause of chronic daily, one might think that all you have to do to start training and go to the supermarket and stock up on healthier foods, is incorrect. False play! There are three reasons so highly processed foods and conventional crops grown and meat in most grocery stores are now have a role in the prevalence of chronic diseases in America.

The first reason is the toxicity. For many years the largest U.S. producers of food chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and growth hormones are used for larger plants and animals as soon as possible to grow higher profits. Unknown to most American consumers, more meat, fruit and vegetables to the supermarket with typical traces of these chemicals and related hormones. These foods, as well as our processed and packaged food, otherChemical agents in the form of maturity, flavors and artificial flavors, artificial preservatives and other chemicals to make it more pleasant and comfortable as possible. These toxic chemicals in our bodies and, finally, after years of exposure to a toxic level building that our bodies are not designed to handle.

Low nutrients in the food industry today
The second reason is that most foods today have little nutritional value.The modern agriculture methods of production that the soil of vital minerals causing a significant decrease in the nutritional content of many of our fruits and vegetables consumed was applied. Made, in fact, health care providers (HCP) Impact Study in 2009, it was revealed that 81 percent of dieters now see how important supplements to maintain health. Doug Gurian-Sherman, senior scientist at the Union Food and Environment Program of Concerned Scientists (UCS)He recently said: "The way the company is now destructive land, the environment and us" and that "the worst is that our food is always bad for us, and even dangerous." But perhaps the biggest threat to our food supply is unknown is almost gone, the average U.S. consumer confidence and is the third reason why our food makes us sick.

GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) is known, the genetic modification of foodprobably the most dangerous threat to our health has become. Genetic modification is the technology that allows genes of living organisms, combining multiple genes from different organisms to change in order to manipulate the properties of the body can be. It is also known as recombinant DNA technology in products derived from GMOs, genetically modified or genetically modified. The World Health Organisation Visa GMOs as "bodieswhich the genetic material (DNA) in a way that non-natural "has been modified.

This technology is now possible directly in the genes and DNA are used as seeds to grow fruits and vegetables we eat, for scientists to chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides so that they are more resistant to herbicides and pesticides already in use. This technology is also used for livestock production. The irony is that the world's largest producer of GMOsand genetically modified foods, is a leading provider of food for our nation, such as Tyson Foods and power. It is Monsanto, a chemical company. Since the year 1990 in the U.S. this technology has been used in agriculture. Today, about 70 percent of the food you buy in a typical supermarket has been genetically modified, and chances are that you eat today or a GM.

Toxic chemicals in our air, our water and our homes
The direct source of chemicalsThe experience shows that we have unconsciously come from food. But we can not ignore the fact that environmental toxins in our air, our water, our homes and also contribute significantly to chronic diseases here in the U.S., the number of toxic chemicals that we Americans are always surprising encounter. The Environmental Protection Agency has identified at least 6,000 chemicals that Americans are regularly exposed, and this number is increasing every year.

And these chemical poisonsare not just limited to air and water pollution. Most of the chemicals we encounter every day in our house-shaped floor cleaners, furniture polish, and hairspray. According to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics "Americans use an average of 10 personal care products each day, involving exposure to more than 126 chemicals is not unique as many unknown chemicals in the fragrance."

SMOKING is really the leading cause of chronicDISEASE IN AMERICA?
The answer is probably no, but there's definitely an important factor. Although fewer people smoke, get stalled since 2005, is the fact that in the last 40 years, the number of Americans who smoke has been reduced and, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), exposure to secondhand smoke is now around 70 percent. Cigarette smoking in the mid 1960's, culminating with 40 percent of Americans smoke today, and with thisNumber is reduced to about 23 percent. The percentage of Americans suffer from chronic diseases is now at 51 percent and the number is increasing. In this context, it is difficult to say with certainty that smoking is continued alone as America number one cause of chronic diseases.

WHAT 'the leading cause of chronic disease in America?
The extremely high rates of chronic diseases that we live here in the U.S. today is the result of not one, buta combination of these risk factors. These risk factors lead to two things in our body that are the basis for all chronic diseases, deficiency and toxicity. If nothing is done, these common denominator will start to damage cells and cause cell dysfunction over time, increasing the likelihood of developing chronic diseases.

In America today, the combination of massive toxic overload of the declining nutritional value in our diet, smoking, poorNutrition, physical inactivity and obesity are all working against the health of our nation in ways we've never seen before for the poisoning of our bodies and then steals the cells what they need to function properly. To prevent and reverse the disease and give your body a chance to detox, it is important to allow us to limit our presentation to toxic chemicals and to find other ways to find nutritious food.

Modern Day the true causes of chronic disease in America

Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong

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