Sunday, December 4, 2011

How Long Does Botox Last - When Might I Need It Again?

Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong

Botulinum toxin (Botox) works by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses at the muscle end plates. It does this by blocking the action of the one of the main neurotransmitters, acetyl choline. By carefully choosing the site of injection, a well-trained operator can selectively paralyze the muscles that are causing the lines and wrinkles in your forehead, around your eyes, and between your eyebrows. Clearly this requires a high level of anatomical knowledge as well as an understanding of the appropriate dilution of Botox to minimise the risk of unwanted side effects that might arise from the paralysis of nearby muscles that need to continue working. For example, placement of the Botox too near the eyelid could result in eyelid droop.

Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong

My clients always ask me how long the Botox is going to last for and I explain that the average duration of action is about 4 months. Note that this is an average, and some people experience much longer duration of action (up to eight months in some cases), and in others it is starting to wear off after only six weeks. So there is quite a variation. The research has shown that the most important factor that governs duration of action is the number of units of Botox that are used. For forehead and Glabella Botox the ideal total dose seems to be around 40-50 units (equivalent to around 100 units of Dysport/Azzalure as unit for unit Dypsort/Azzalure is around 2.5-3 times weaker than Botox/Vistabel). This will give 4 months duration of effect in 75 percent of patients.

Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong

The other main question my clients have for me is when to have their next dose. This is a matter of personal preference, and there is no right or wrong time to have the next dose other than to say it's best to start thinking about it only when there is some clear evidence that the Botox is starting to wear off. Trying to pre-empt the Botox wearing off by using the calendar is probably not such a good idea as it could last a lot longer than you thought, particularly if you are having it regularly as it tends to last a bit longer each time. What kind of evidence should you look for to show you that the Botox is starting to wear off? Well it's mainly return of movement in the muscle areas that were previously paralyzed. The first area will probably be between the eyebrows if you had that area treated. This is a particularly strong and active muscle area and will show signs of the Botox wearing off earlier than other treated areas in many cases.

Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong

Once the movement in a treated area has become re-established, you will see a gradual return of the lines in your skin, though probably not as noticeable as pre-treatment. That's a good time to start to think about booking your next treatment.

How Long Does Botox Last - When Might I Need It Again?

Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong

1 comment:

  1. When I first had botox in Toronto my physician told me it will last approximately 4 months...I asked why, because I've heard botox can last up to 6 months.
    He explained me that after this first treatment, if I will renew it, botox will last more, but it depends of every patient's metabolism.
